Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Vanity Fair book excerpt from 'Sharon Stone' memoir 'The Beauty of Living Twice'

THE BEAUTY OF LIVING TWICE from KNOPF is released today March 30, 2021. It is a memoir from author Sharon Stone.

According to the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) which tracks entertainment. Sharon Stone is an actress with 144 credits to her name in movies, commercials and on TV. She is most remembered for her role as Catherine Tramell in the 1992 thriller, "Basic Instinct."

Vanity Fair took an excerpt from Stone's memoir. She talks about "Basic Instinct" and Catherine's leg crossing scene where her blonde crotch became visible to male police detectives. And, to film audiences.... It was the most talked about "scene" in movie history - up to that point in 1992. It was also part of a character in a story about a female, socio-path, killer. The movie climbed the world-wide box office and claimed $352 million. It made Sharon Stone a movie star.

Stone talks about how she got to 1992 in Hollywood. It was a tough ladder to climb in a male dominated industry. She was the 13th choice for Catherine. Only after 12 actresses turned down the part. Michael Douglas was the lead male and he wanted a female "name" to play Catherine. 

Stone was told that she is no longer "Fuckable" by Hollywood standards. She was 32 (yrs.) when she landed the role of Catherine.

Sharon also talks about how women were treated in an era where film crews - were all men. This was 1992. There was a time when she was the only woman on-the-set. She handled sexual harassment better than most actresses and it was very-very-ugly.... She is relieved to say that times have changed in 2021 because there are more women in power - in the industry.

Check out Vanity Fair book excerpt from Sharon Stone here.

(1985 "King Solomon Mines" Richard Chamberlain & Sharon Stone.).

(1990 "Total Recall" with Arnold & Sharon Stone.).

(1992 "Basic Instinct" with Michael Douglas & Sharon Stone.).

(1995 "Casino" with Robert De Niro & Sharon Stone.).

(1995 "The Quick and the Dead" with Leonardo Di Caprio, Gene Hackman, Russell Crowe & Sharon Stone).

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