Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Classic 'Dateline' episode 'The Secret' Patricia Esparza released from prison

DATELINE on NBC. The episode was called, "The Secret." Andrea Canning reported and narrated the segment... It surrounded a woman named Patricia Esparza who served 6 years in prison. She pled guilty to manslaughter in the death of a Gonzalo Ramirez whom she claimed had raped her. He was murdered in 1995 by her ex-boyfriend Gianni Van. 

Patricia married Gianni one month after the murder. So that she wouldn't testify against her husband. Prosecutors found "happy" photos of Gianni and Patricia right after the murder. It didn't look like she was forced to marry him which she had claimed.

She also claimed that Gianni forced her to point out Gonzalo outside of a nightclub. Patricia watched Gianni and others rear-end Gonzalo's truck. She said that she waited at a bar. Later - Gianni brought Gonzalo back to show her, his beaten up body. But, she claimed that she never saw Gonzalo murdered.

A woman named Diana who was in the van that rear-ended Gonzalo's truck. She pled guilty to manslaughter who decided to be a witness against Patricia. Diana claimed that Patricia planned Gonzalo's murder from the beginning. Patricia took a deal to serve 6 years in prison.

Patricia played the "Victim Card" in private and in public. She worked the media including "Dateline" with smart and pitiful words. A petition was created online to release her. It didn't help and those supporters didn't even show up when she was released from prison. 

I thought she was a liar right from the beginning. When the prosecutors caught up with her. Patricia pulled out that "Victim Card." She manipulated the public too.

Click photo below for DATELINE and re-visit THE SECRET

(Classic "Dateline").

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