Friday, July 21, 2023

Producers respond to SAG-AFTRA contract proposals by blaming Online Streamers

SAG-AFTRA strike has been in effect for 8 days now. The Producers have been hit hard by the media concerning - Online Streaming Actor Residuals & Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

Producers responded by answering SAG-AFTRA's last contract proposal which they rejected across the board. It looks good on paper, but the question is, "Why didn't they accept the proposals in the first place?

The producers are blaming the Online Streamers (Netflix etc.,) because they own TV shows and movies. Producers are just the middle-men. They have no answers for complete residuals which leave "guest star" performers with pennies.

Producers are all "Of-A-Sudden" onboard with protecting performers with AI. When they began asking actors to scan their images once and then pay them - only once. Then, use their images forever without any payment. (What a switch in mid-stream that was).

Producers say SAG performers received 5% for the first year with wages and inflation back in 1988. (30 years ago!). Then, a percentage increase for the next 2 years by 1990... It's based on a 1988 "Inflation" contract and not a 2023 "Inflation" contract. SAG-AFTRA is only asking 11% increase over 3 years to 2026. How does a working-class actor live on a 1988 model.?!!! 

Plus - They say SAG-AFTRA withdrew multiple proposals on their own. No, because you rejected them.!!

The response to SAG-AFTRA contract proposals is a Joke by Producers.... 


Below is 7/21/2023 interview.

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