Thursday, March 28, 2024

South Korea's 'Unstoppable' 2018 with Don Lee

UNSTOPPABLE distributed by SHOWBOX (2018). Don Lee aka Ma Dong-seok is a South Korean action star. I'm a big fan and just watched "Unstoppable." A few years too late... Nonetheless, I absolutely enjoyed it.

The action/thriller never opened in the U.S. It grabbed a popular $11.6 million at the South Korean box office. 

The story surrounds a couple who are barely getting by financially. The husband (Don Lee) is always trying to create money opportunities to make it rich. His latest venture is selling "King Crabs" which his wife is not happy about. One night, after a car fender-bender. The couple meets a man who is into "Human Trafficking." He likes the wife and later kidnaps her. The husband is a former gangster who takes matters into his own hands.

There is a lot action of course. I enjoyed the tense thriller aspects surrounding Human Trafficking.

Don Lee's fourth film as police detective Ma Seok-do is coming out this year in 2024.

  1. The Outlaws (2017).
  2. The Round-Up (2022)
  3. The Round-Up: No Way Out (2023)
  4. The Round-Up: Punishment (2024)
"No Way Out" opened in the U.S., last year and did well at the box office. I can't wait for "Punishment." These movies are all action with good detective stories.

Below is the 2018 trailer for "Unstoppable."

Below is Scenes from the film "Unstoppable" with Don Lee.

"Unstoppable" from Show Box 2018.

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