Monday, September 15, 2014

APTN "Blackstone" Season 3 "Reap what you sow" Tim guns down a child rapist.

"Blackstone" writers are attempting to make Andy a caring human being in this episode. It isn't working because the guy is such a selfish loser that he only cares about himself. His father comes to him as a ghost & is proud of him for helping a teen named Tim Henry. (What a Crock!) Tim shot & killed Phil Henry who raped him. Alex Henry is Tim's older brother who Andy & Daryl framed for the murder of Rachel. How convenient to try & redeem Andy's act of killing Rachel. 
We are not buying this because Andy has gone too far off the rails to care about anyone. In the last episode, he did nothing while Sarah was being raped by a native guy. Andy walked a way and that's who he is and always will be. Click on the hot photo below for recap of "Reap what you Sow."
(Season 3, Episode 3)

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