Saturday, October 3, 2020

DATELINE pre-empted by news of Donald Trump hospitalized for COVID-19

DATELINE on NBC. The episode "Killer Role" did not air last night. Donald Trump had tested positive for COVID-19 and was brought to a hospital on Friday. NBC news covered Trump last night at 10/9 p.m. 

Within 24 hours.... Trump's inner campaign officials have tested positive. Many of them attended the White House "Rose Garden" event last Saturday (9/26/2020). Trump chose his nominee for the United States Supreme Court and introduced her in the "Rose Garden." Most of the people in attendance were not wearing masks. News reports are trying to track down the person as the "super-spreader" who attended that event. 

3 GOP senators, 3 journalists and now Chris Christie have tested positive for COVID-19. Chris is the former New Jersey Governor who helped Trump prep for the first Presidential debate. Kelly-Ann Conway has also tested positive. She's a former spokesman for the White House.

Trump laughed at real scientists over COVID-19. He believed that the virus was going to disappear. He never wore a mask and condemned those who did. He also believed he would never catch it.... Now, him and his wife Melania have tested positive for COVID-19.

NBC has not announced when DATELINE will air KILLER ROLE.

(NBC logo. Click photo above for DATELINE on NBC).

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