Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The 'Missing in America' episode 'Missing in Music City' leaves a lot of questions

MISSING IN AMERICA from DATELINE. I listened to the latest episode called, "Missing in Music City" and I have a few questions. This baffles me....

Marcus Rutledge has been missing since 1998 after he disappeared at Nashville, Tennessee. He dropped off his daughter at school and was never seen again. 

Since 1998 - The Rutledge family has received several phone calls over the years. Whoever it was had stayed on the other end of the phone line. They hung up after a few minutes. My question is, "Was that unknown person Marcus?" 

If it was him. He is still alive and never went missing at all. Remember, he was selling marijuana and dropped out of college. He also moved out of the apartment he shared with his best friend. Because that friend was in deep with drugs. He was later murdered at the front door of that apartment. 

Was Marcus afraid for his life because of selling only marijuana? Or did he disappear because his best friend's enemies had targeted him? Is Marcus in hiding? Was he kidnapped or killed? If he's still alive. Why not return and contact his two grown kids and family? Who made those phone calls to his family?

This is bothering me because if that's Marcus making those phone calls and then hanging up. He ran away from his responsibility as a father of two. Plus, he told his parents he was graduating in 1998 but had already dropped out of college. The drugs was an excuse to get away and disappear. It happens....

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