Friday, March 7, 2025

This is how you do a Horror Trailer 'Clown in a Cornfield' in theaters May 9, 2025

CLOWN IN A CORNFIELD from SHUDDER (2025). There are Horror Trailers that come out each week online. Some are good ones and some are bad ones. Many have been done before and several try to re-invent the Horror genre. 

For me - it all comes down to the trailer and how much it gives away. It is so hard not to give it all away. Why? Because each studio releases at least 3 trailers before it hits movie theaters. The film-going audience then knows what it's all about before buying a ticket. True hardcore fans though will walk into a movie theater anyway. It's because they want to be scared.

"Clown in a Cornfield" has a lot going for it because they never give it all away. The teaser is nearly the same as the first official trailer. It is short, sweet, funny with shades of horror. A fictional clown has become real who enjoys killing teens. The chainsaw bit has been done in thousands of films. But, it's held by a clown who laughs with happy menace... I love it.!!

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