Tuesday, July 21, 2015

THE GREAT 1980'S over at YouTube. Way, way cool...,

US Billboard's top 20 Pop Songs of 1989. In-between -- They count down the TV shows in the Top 5 in ratings. THE COSBY SHOW remained in the top 5 for most of that decade. Cable TV was growing, but there were only 4 major TV networks. We got our news a day later because CNN was only on cable where most Americans didn't have it. So, Radio & Newspapers were big on information.
MILLI VANILLI was huge in 1989. I mean Huge! No one knew that they didn't sing on any of their songs. My favorite song that year was SHE DRIVES ME CRAZY when I went to all the nightclubs in Portland while in college. Back in the day. This mash up has great music videos you only saw on MTV or VH1.

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