Thursday, February 11, 2016

Oregon: Federal Govt. finally catches up to the Bundy family from Nevada

News from My Home State of Oregon. It is day 41 with the takeover of the Mahleur National Wildlife Refuge (Feb. 11, 2016). The 4 holdouts surrendered to federal authorities, but David Fry held on & became suicidal. The FBI surrounded their encampment last night as all 4 holdouts vowed to die before going to prison. Each will be charged with a "federal felony charge of conspiracy to keep federal workers from doing their duties through force or intimidation."

Blaine Cooper was arrested in Arizona after he fled Oregon. He stood along side Ammon from the first day of the takeover. Ryan Payne was also arrested because he was the man who helped plan the Oregon takeover. He also appointed snipers to aim at Federal troops near Cliven Bundy's ranch at Nevada during a standoff back in 2014. 

Cliven Bundy was arrested Wednesday night at the Portland airport on a "conspiracy charge to interfere with a federal officer." He owes $1 million in cattle grazing fees on federal land at Nevada. There was a standoff in 2014 with the FBI who backed down avoiding bloodshed. Cliven earned popularity with state elected conservative officials until he got Racist. Those elected officials dropped him faster than you can say, "Round up!"

Ammon & Ryan Bundy made the mistake of going to Oregon. And so did their father Cliven. Their reign as the supposed, "cowboy" outlaws has come to an end. The Federal government has finally caught up to them. 

Click MUGSHOT for Oregon Live News.
(Cliven Bundy. Multnomah County sheriff's office in Oregon)

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