Sunday, March 31, 2019

'The Vanished' podcast on 'Dakota' whose death is questioned

THE VANISHED podcast on WONDERY. Dakota Lee Stump went missing at a military base in Texas. His "supposed" body remains were found near his car that had crashed. The military told the funeral director not to look at the dead body out-of-respect. That director did what he had been asked. Dakota was buried, but his family "questions" if it was him in that casket. The military had been evasive concerning Dakota's disappearance from day one. His neck bone was missing and there were stab wound "holes" in his t-shirt. His family thinks he was strangled and stabbed to death. Why?

The mother of Dakota is interviewed (below) and she has no answers on what happened to her son. Check it out and listen to an intriguing mystery that sounds like a cover up on murder.

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