Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Murder Mystery fans can 'Binge' watch 20/20 over at 'YouTube'

THE CHAMELEON on 20/20 (ABC). It all began back in 1985 in the state of New Hampshire. A woman and a child were found dead inside a barrel surrounded by forest trees. They were killed by blunt-force trauma. Nobody could identify the females who were both buried as "Jane Does." Two more kids were later found dead inside a barrel in that same forest. They were also killed with blunt-force trauma. 

Nobody knew this family and the mystery deepened until investigators went to California. A man was running from the law who had kept changing his name....

20/20 on ABC has uploaded the 42nd TV season on You-Tube. The last 17 episodes are split up into 5 segments each with commercials in between. Check it out all of you mystery fans....

Click on photo below for 20/20 episodes on You-Tube.
(ABC logo).

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