Saturday, May 22, 2021

Excellent Murder Mystery 'The Whistle Blower' from 1986

THE WHISTLE BLOWER from U.K. PRODUCTIONS (1986). This movie didn't reach the United States until 1987. I remember watching this inside an independent movie theater at Portland, Oregon. 

Bob Jones (Nigel Havers) works at a British intelligence agency who follows the Russians. The whole spy world collapsed and was scattered after World War II (1945). Many of these spies were exposed in Britain. 

Bob is tired of watching the Russians and is caught up in an espionage scheme. He wants to blow the whistle on the secrets that he knows. His dad Frank Jones (Michael Caine) warns him to only - do his job. Bob is soon murdered and his death is classified as a suicide. 

Frank investigates his son's murder. He discovers that Bob was used as a pawn by the British to uncover spies in their own government. Frank never knows who actually killed Bob. He was just an analyst.... Other men who tried to uncover the truth were also caught up in "accidental deaths."

The film leaves the question open of whether Frank continued as a whistle blower. Did he finish what his son started?... Frank walks up the street as police cars drive into a British government building....

The spy world is uncovered here by a government who watch the Russians, the Americans and their own people. It is full of intrigue and mystery which leads to murder. 

Click Photos below for THE WHISTLE BLOWER movie link.

(1986 Movie Poster).

(1986 "The Whistle Blower. Michael Caine and Nigel Havers.).

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