Thursday, May 13, 2021

Vanity Fair 'The Golden Globes' fall-out of 2021

Vanity Fair (Anthony Breznican) writes an insightful article on "The Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA)." The organization runs the "Golden Globe" awards each January. NBC will not broadcast that award show in 2022. The network complaints range from (Diversity Exclusion to Professional Complaints). The HFPA has announced reforms immediately within the next 6 months.

The most glaring complaint is "Diversity" within the HFPA. There are 87 members and none of them are "Black." The HFPA says that the public knew about this within the past three years. It remained un-changed until now.

The publicist's of black performers say that HFPA members won't attend screenings of black films... One member - Margaret Gardiner - had asked a black actor Daniel Kaluuya, how it felt to be directed by Regina King. He was directed by - Shaka King. She seems to be out of touch with black films.  

Former HFPA President Philip Berk sent an email saying that "Black Lives Matter" is a racist hate group. His membership was immediately revoked. He was also the same man who allegedly groped actor - Brandan Fraser (2003). His defense was that he jokingly "pinched" Fraser. 

Scarlett Johansson claims that she received sexist remarks from HFPA members - over a number of years. That's why she is boycotting the "globes."

The complaints go on and on against the un-professionalism of HFPA members. They want "perks" or "favors" and would anyone read their "script?" Publicists even tell their new talent that the HPFA has "80 weirdos" or crazy "aunts and uncles." 

After looking at comments posted by the American public on social media. 90% say that they could "care less" about the "Golden Globes." They feel celebrities pat themselves on the back too much and are always too political. 

Click photos below for VANITY FAIR article.

(Italian movie legend Sophia Loren. 1995 recipient of the "Cecil B. DeMille" golden globe award.).

(Circa early 1950's. Italian award show. From left. Newcomer Sophia Loren, Yvonne De Carlo & Gina Lollobrigida.).

(1995 Golden Globes. Jessica Lange & Tom Hanks are winners.).

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