Monday, May 3, 2021

Native indie-film writer, director & actor Tim Ramos dies of COVID-19

It was a shock to learn that Tim Ramos recently died of COVID-19. Friends and family are mourning his passing on Facebook. He died too young, but COVID will take the life of anybody....

I met Tim when I was hired as a production assistant on the documentary, "Native Americans in the 21st Century" (2001-02). The title was changed to "Indian Country Diaries" when it finally premiered in 2006. Tim was a co-producer and we had a lot in common. Both of us were actors in Los Angeles.

We talked about the acting auditions, the acting classes etc., and how we keep trying to break into Hollywood as native performers. He wrote a movie screenplay called, "California Indian." He had asked me to take part in the actor table read of that script. I said "yes" and had a great time. Tim was determined to put "his" Pomo Tribal story into a movie - as a screenwriter, director and actor. I had written my own first screenplay. It was called, "The Lost Native" which was pretty awful.

I wrote for "Indian Country Today" newspaper as an entertainment reporter (2002-2004). I interviewed Tim who said that his indie-film was getting closer to production. I also interviewed him for my documentary, "Natives in Hollywood: How far have we come?"

There were no lead roles for natives in Hollywood (2000-2010). Some of us actors turned to screenwriting to tell our own stories. As "vain" as we are.... We have to play the lead roles in those stories. After I left Los Angeles (2012). Tim finished his production.

"California Indian" is not a great film. It's full of modern Indian stereotypes and clichés. A boom-mic even drops into a scene which broke the reality of the story. But.... The first 10 minutes had great visuals introducing the lead character of Nick Thomas (Tim). 

It is too bad that Tim never got funding for a second try at his next production. I wrote a review of "California Indian" for Examiner News. I complimented him on giving it his - best shot. That's all you can ask for.... RIP.

(Tim Ramos. Pomo Indian. Scene 4 Magazine photo 2006.).

("Hollywood NDNz" Podcast. 2016-2021. Tim Ramos, Rany Fields, Jim Ruel.).

("California Indian." Rent this at Click poster.).

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