Monday, September 2, 2024

Podcast 'The Vanished' episode 'Kenneth Ray Weaver' who went missing in 2000

THE VANISHED is a popular PODCAST online. It was supported by "48 Hours" (CBS) last year. I listen because most times people disappear because of abduction, kidnapping and a possible unsolved murder.

What's interesting about this latest missing case from the year 2000. The state border-lines separate police jurisdictions who squabble over investigation. It took years to even report on paper work for a missing man. Plus, the police aren't qualified to investigate missing people. 

Kenneth went missing during Christmas 2000 and it could be a possible murder. It is a cold case that remains unsolved. There are no eye witnesses around from that year. Plus, the few witnesses don't recall what happened to Kenneth. There is no trace of where he is... IMO - his roommate is very suspicious.

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