Sunday, March 16, 2025

Classic Movie Flashback 'Mannequin' 1987 with Andrew McCarthy & Kim Cattrall

MANNEQUIN distributed by 20th CENTURY FOX (1987). The production budget climbed to $7 million and grossed $42 million at the box office. It starred Andrew McCarthy and Kim Cattrall.  It was a moderate hit and would become a favorite family film. I remember that this movie was a huge VHS Home Video rental. (My sister rented it way too often). It was released on BluRay Disc in 2015.

The story is simple. Jonathan Switcher (Andrew McCarthy) considers himself an artist. He tries to express himself in jobs which he cannot hold. He gets fired a lot because of this self-expression. Then one day. He lands a job dressing mannequins for window display inside a department store. While he works on clothing for a female mannequin, Ema "Emmy" Hesire (Kim Cattrall). She comes alive right in front of him. And.... She only does it for Jonathan. The comedy ensues when everyone in the department store begins to watch him. That includes the head security guard and his bull dog.

"Mannequin" certainly was a water mark for 1980's fashion and hairdos (Big Hair). The fantasy involves a lonely young male who dreams about a beautiful woman. She just happens to be a mannequin. It's also a family film that kids can enjoy. I think that's why it became a huge video rental seller.

The title song from the movie music soundtrack is called, "Nothing's Gonna Stop us Now" (Starship). It hit number #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Pop chart. It was also nominated as best original song at the 1988 Academy Awards (Oscar). I remember the music video for the movie rotated a lot on MTV and VH1 cable channels. (We had cable-TV instead of the Internet back then).

Below is a remastered trailer for "Mannequin" 1987.

Below is the music video for "Nothing's Gonna Stop us Now" by Starship 1987.


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