Monday, July 9, 2018

1950's movie star 'Tab Hunter' dies at 86

I've read almost all of the autobiographies written by old movie stars including, "Tab Hunter Confidential: The making of a movie star." Tab was a teen heart-throb during most of the 1950's. He talks about his secret homosexuality, but more importantly about his turbulent career. There are great "behind-the-scenes" stories of his movies and theatre work. 

If anyone knows me. I love classic movies from that era. My favorite story is from the movie Tab did with the beautiful Sophia Loren (That Kind of Woman 1959). It was a box office bomb. Tab found out years later, that he was the blame for its' box office failure. The reason was because he was gay who would never be attracted to the voluptuous Sophia. He writes that no one knew he was gay when he starred in that picture. So, it was unfair to blame him for anything, but he ended up being the "whipping boy." Sophia never blamed him though in private or publically.

Tab Hunter settled for being someone who learns from all of his work. He joined the theatre and began to build his characters onstage and in front of the camera. And it showed. He created opportunities for himself. And his career survived. His book is a great read with so many wonderful stories not described here. Check it out.

Tab Hunter has died at age 86.

Click photo below for the autobiography "Tab Hunter Confidential."
(Tab Hunter with the beautiful Sophia Loren in "That Kind of Woman)."

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