Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Classic 'Dateline' with Keith Morrison 'The Trouble on the Hill' 2009

DATELINE on NBC. The episode is called, "The Trouble on the Hill" from June 8, 2009. Keith Morrison reports.... I've been listening to classic episodes through podcasts. This segment struck me because the actual gunshots and possible killings were heard on a 911 call. NBC edited that graphic phone call for prime-time television.

A couple and their neighbor are all accomplished in their chosen professions. All had settled in a quiet mountain side at California. The couple and the elderly male seemed to get along fine. They would only spend seasonal months at these homes. Sometimes - 6 months at a time.

Then, one day.... The elderly male fixed a bridge they all use. He wanted to split the bill payment, but the couple refused. A judge ordered them to pay up. The seed of anger, hatred and fear began.

I won't give anything away.... That 911 call and those gunshots are harrowing to listen to. It didn't have to go that far - but it did.

Click photo below to watch the episode "The Trouble on the Hill." You may have to sign-in with your Facebook account. The audio goes off for a few minutes starting at 13:00. 

The episode is no longer streaming online. A fan uploaded it.

(NBC logo.).

Listen below to the DATELINE podcast THE TROUBLE ON THE HILL.

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