Thursday, August 15, 2024

Olympics Break-Dancer 'Raygun' talks after world-wide condemnation online

OLYMPICS at PARIS (2024). I am a huge fan of the Olympic games and scream the loudest for USA athletes. "Break-Dancing" came to the games in its' first year. This might be the last because the Olympic committee has scratched the category for the Los Angeles 2028 games. Many believe it shouldn't have been an Olympic sport in the first place. I totally agree.

With that said.... An Australian female break-dancer named, "Ray-Gun" (36 yrs.) scored three "0"s from the Olympic judges. That meant she had "battled" against three other dancers onstage. Her final dance went viral on the internet and not because it was good. It's so bad that online parodies have reached around the world. Everyone is laughing at her attempt to break-dance. She even tried a "kangaroo" hop in her performance. You have to see it to believe it.

"Ray-Gun" is the butt of so many jokes that she has become a popular "Meme" online. Even the "Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" got in on the act. There is a petition online asking for an investigation into why "Ray-Gun" got to the Olympics in the first place. 

The question remains, "How did she get to compete while there were other better break-dancers?"

NBC. Her real name is Rachael Gunn. The Olympic games 2024.

NBC. Ray-Gun tries to break-dance at the Olympics games 2024.

NBC. Ray-Gun actually did a Kangaroo hop in her final performance. The Olympic games 2024.

Below. Ray-Gun is on vacation in Europe after the Olympics. She responds to the world-wide condemnation of her performance. She thinks she did her best creativity as an artist. Even when all the judges gave her a "0" in three competition battles... Wow!

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