Sunday, March 23, 2025

Classic Movie Flashback 'Colors' 1988 with Robert Duvall & Sean Penn

COLORS (1988) distributed by ORION pictures. It stars Robert Duvall and Sean Penn. It was directed by Dennis Hopper. The production budget climbed to $10 million and grossed $46 million at the box office.

The story is simple. Two Los Angeles police officers work to control the rival gangs, "Crips" and "Bloods." The officers are Bob Hodges (Duvall) and Danny "Pac-Man" McGavin (Penn). This is not a stereotypical police drama. It focuses on street gangs and how they function within their perspective territories. In the end - It is still an ongoing struggle between the police and gangs.

"Colors" was groundbreaking for 1988. Rap music was on the rise into the mainstream pop culture. It fills this movie and represents the LA street culture. This has never been done before with a major Hollywood studio. I walked into a movie theater to watch this and was impressed by the subject matter. The Los Angeles gang culture was fascinating to watch. Especially that initiation into an "actual" gang. 

Even though it was an R-Rated Movie. That sex scene with a black couple was a little shocking. The bullets and death. I think it was cut down from an X-rating. But, that couple was part of the main story involving a specific gang. That story would come back around to these two officers.

For 2025. "Colors" looks dated but if you watch it closely. Nothing has changed that much except technology and hardcore Rap music.

You can watch "Colors" for free over at YouTube

Click poster below to watch the movie for free at YouTube.

1988 Movie Poster.

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