Friday, August 14, 2015

LONGMIRE sneak peak of upcoming Season 4 for 2015

Well, it looks like Walt is going after Ben Nighthorse who was hired - to hire - someone to kill Walt's wife Martha. So, Walt is going to take Ben down right here with a shotgun. Nighthorse is a corrupt tribal politician who uses his power to run his own operations at the expense of the tribe & its' casino. He was hired by Branch's father to hire someone to kill Walt's wife.

At the end of season 3 - Walt finally found all the men who were part of the conspiracy to kill his wife. He did go to Denver to find her killer & got into a fight. He had scars on his back that was never really explained. His best friend Henry had followed Walt & tried to help by hiding evidence that connected them to Denver after Martha's killer was killed.

In all 3 TV seasons, Walt has been real close to the spiritual presence of the Cheyenne Indian Tribe. Maybe he's too close because of the unexplained visions & dreams. An owl landed on his porch at the end of season 3 after he spread his wife's ashes in the mountains near his cabin. He had just found out who conspired to kill his wife. What was the owl telling Walt as he walked up to it on the porch? That owl had no fear & let Walt approach him to look each other in the eyes. 

The tribal spirituality is much stronger in the "books" which this TV show is based. 

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