Tuesday, November 29, 2016

'Desierto' White American sniper guns down Mexicans crossing the US border

DESIERTO from STX- ENTERTAINMENT. According to "Box Office Mojo" that tracks box office receipts. "Desierto" opened in select theaters around the United States on Oct. 14, 2016. It has grabbed $2.2 million, but hasn't opened at the Foreign Box office. I pre-ordered it online over at YouTube which cost $14.99. The film will not open at Albuquerque, NM any time soon. 

"Desierto." A truck load of Mexicans are forced to get out and walk to the U.S., Border. That truck broke down and cannot be fixed. A dozen illegal immigrants cross the fence into America as the hot sun blares down upon them. The desert is an unforgiving landscape for anyone walking on foot. A White American male drives his truck into the desert who claims to be a hunter. He has a "Confederate Flag" flying on his antenna. He also has a dog named, "tracker" that is trained to actually chase down Mexicans and kill them with his bare teeth. This white male has been doing this for years who believes that America is his home where no Mexican belongs.

The immigrants walk into an open desert area and each one is shot dead by this white male. All except four of them who fell behind earlier. They witness the shooting deaths from the top of a rocky hillside. "Tracker" sees them and the chase is on. Who will live and who will die? This is a modern day western which is violently brutal. If the humans don't kill each other. The desert will as it takes on a character of its' own.

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