Monday, March 13, 2017

'Feud: Bette and Joan' is filled with rumored gossip of two old movie stars

FEUD: BETTE AND JOAN on FX. The 8 episode TV series runs each Sunday night at 10/9 p.m. The first episode debuted on March 5, 2017 and nabbed 3.79 million TV viewers overall. It reached 0.8 million TV viewers with the all important 18 to 49 adult demographic. It stars Susan Sarandon (Bette Davis) and Jessica Lange (Joan Crawford).

A lot has been said about the Hollywood feud between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Books have been written and documentaries were made on the 1962 horror film each had starred in called, "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" Both actresses took lower salaries in exchange for a percentage of the movie profits. The film was a box office smash earning an estimated $9-12 million world wide. The ticket sales in America nabbed $4 million. Bette Davis earned an Oscar nomination as best actress, but lost to Anne Bancroft for "The Miracle Worker."

The FX limited TV series, "Feud" is a behind-the-scenes look on the making of "Baby Jane." I watched the first two episodes and it is filled with complete gossip of some things that had never happened nor was said. What the filmmakers target perfectly though is the ageism of 1960's Hollywood. Davis and Crawford were considered "too old" for a major motion picture. "Baby Jane" was turned down by every studio except "Warner Brothers" who eventually distributed it. 

What I liked is the performance of Susan Sarandon as Bette Davis. She interprets her but doesn't imitate. The constant smoking is there and she grabs the frustrated walk. She also gives us a hint of that famous laughing cackle. I also liked Judy Davis as gossip columnist Hedda Hopper. She is pretty funny. The soundtrack of 1960's jazz is near perfect in its' nostalgia. A musical era long gone. The Davis and Crawford feud will always be Hollywood lore whether true or not. Check it out if you want.

Click photos for TV series FEUD: BETTE AND JOAN on FX.
(FX Publicity photo 2017. Susan Sarandan and Jessica Lange)
(Warner Bros., publicity photo 1962. Bette Davis and Joan Crawford)
(Publicity for movie "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?)

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