Wednesday, March 22, 2017

'Looney Tunes' did 'Sylvester the Cat' say WTF in 'Tree for Two'?

Mel Blanc (1908-1989) was called, "The man with a thousand voices." He created many of our favorite "Looney Tunes" characters, including the infamous Bugs Bunny. There was a cartoon episode called, "Tree for Two" that first aired back in 1952. It had two dogs named Spike and Chester. It also had, "Sylvester the Cat" voiced by Blanc. TV fans have dug into the dialogue that Sylvester says when he meets up with the two dogs. Does he say the swear word, "What the F***"? 

The writers of these cartoon shorts did not intentionally write swear words. They were written for kids who went to the movies in the 1940's and 1950's. Plus, the Saturday morning cartoon hours on TV. Spike, Chester and Sylvester starred together in only one other cartoon which was called, "Dr. Jerkyl's Hyde" 1954. Both cartoon shorts are still popular in 2017. 

You be the judge below on "Sylvester the Cat."  (The "Looney Tunes" air on Cable TV's Cartoon Network).

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Anonymous said...
