Tuesday, March 15, 2022

1982 Mystery & Suspense film 'Missing' with a powerful Jack Lemmon

MISSING from POLYGRAM PICTURES (1982). This was adapted from the novel, "The Execution of Charles Horman: An American Sacrifice" (1978) by Thomas Hauser. The production budget climbed to $9.5 million and grossed $16 million at the U.S. box office. 

It received 4 Oscar nominations including Best Picture, Best Actor (Jack Lemmon), Best Actress (Sissy Spacek) and won for Best Adapted Screenplay.

Charles "Charlie" Horman (Jack Shea) portrays an American Journalist. He disappears in the country of Chile after a 1973 over throw "Coup" attempt of the current President - Salvador Allende. That "Coup" was backed by the U.S. Government... The movie begins when Charlie goes missing.

Edmund "Ed" Horman (Jack Lemmon) is the father of Charlie who travels to Santiago, Chile to search for his son. Beth Horman (Sissy Spacek) is already in Chile who is the wife of Charlie. Both Ed and Beth have a troubled relationship, but soon stand together in their search.

Charlie was targeted because he may have known too much about this "Coup" attempt. Rumors swirl on who abducted him. Ed and Beth run into road blocks at every turn which includes the U.S. embassy at Chile. Dead Americans begin to pile up, but not one of them is Charlie.

I will not give anything away.... The mystery here is very powerful and frustrating. The ending will make you angry... Ed and Beth find no answers on what happened to Charlie who went missing without a trace. The important question is who was behind the abduction of Charlie? Was it the Chilean government? Was it the U.S. goverment? Or was it both?

Screen legend Jack Lemmon gives a powerful performance here. He plays a desperate father who will never know the complete truth about what happened to his son.

Click picture below to watch MISSING for free... You have to Sign-In with your Facebook account.

(Scene from "Missing" 1982 with Sissy Spacek, middle, and Jack Lemmon, far right.).

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