Saturday, March 5, 2022

Film Review 'The Batman' is dark noir at its' best with 4-out-4 Stars*

THE BATMAN from WARNER BROS. The film has nabbed $21 million in preview screenings before its' Friday release date (4/4/2022). It opens wide in over 4,000 movie screens across the U.S. I watched it in an IMAX theater at Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The newest "Batman" clocks in at nearly 3-hours long, but it didn't seem that way. Gotham City is a dark place and the citizens are about to elect a new mayor. The current mayor wants to be re-elected, but is murdered by a serial killer. A "riddle" is left behind for 'The Batman" who helps the police. He is known as a "freak" in a black costume. He's also angry and bitter over the loss of his parents who were murdered too. Their deaths remain a mystery. That is until 'The Batman" begins to unravel those riddles which come with each new murder.

I won't give anything away.... Because - There are several mysteries to be solved. The film is shot mainly at night and we are introduced to Gotham's popular characters. Catwoman - The Penguin - The Riddler - Alfred. It looks and sounds like "Two-Face" who shows up to talk with "The Riddler." You decide....

Robert Pattinson portrays Bruce Wayne and he holds this movie together. He's got to solve those killings and why he's being targeted by "The Riddler." This reminds me of the 1993 animated film, "Batman: Mask of the Phantasm." The Joker turns Gotham City against Batman who has to turn everything around. It's the same here and it's fun to watch. Check it out....


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