Sunday, May 26, 2024

Classic Movie Flashback 'Crocodile Dundee' 1986 with Paul Hogan

CROCODILE DUNDEE distributed by PARAMOUNT PICTURES (1986). The production budget climbed to $8 million and grossed a massive $328 million at the world-wide box office. It would place second behind "Top Gun" (Tom Cruise) as the highest grossing movie of the year. It's also the biggest non-American hit from the country of Australia.

The original film screenplay was co-written by John Cornell, Ken Shadie & Paul Hogan. It was nominated for an Oscar as Best Original Screenplay. Hogan plays the lead role of Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee.

The story surrounds Dundee from Australia's wild outback. He becomes a "Fish-Out-Of-Water" when he travels to New York City. He's still dressed in his outback leather plus the animal-tooth-threaded-hat. Dundee is also a nice guy surrounded by negative & cynical New York people.

The story has been done before in Classic Hollywood films. The "Fish-Out-Of-Water" human being. Dundee plays the straight Australian accent and doesn't change. He's surrounded by stilted Americans and is a breath-of-fresh-air. The film was number #1 at the U.S box office for 9 straight weeks. It is a hilarious movie.

There were 2 sequels made "Crocodile Dundee II" (1988) and "Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles" (2001). Neither reached the success of the original movie.

Below is the re-mastered original trailer from 1986.

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