Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Classic Movie Flashback 'Driving Miss Daisy' 1989 with Jessica Tandy

DRIVING MISS DAISY distributed by WARNER BROS (1989). It's based on the theatre play of the same name. The production budget climbed to $7.5 million and grossed a whopping $145 million at the box office. It stars Jessica Tandy and Morgan Freeman. He performed in the Off-Broadway production. 

The story surrounds Daisy (Tandy) who is getting older and needs a car driver. She is set in her ways who likes to "drive" her own life and the others around her. Her son hires Hoke (Freeman) as the male driver who matches Daisy with each temperament. They become "best" friends through 25 years of bickering.

Jessica Tandy is a veteran film, TV and theatre actress. She is also the oldest female at age 80 to win the Best Actress Oscar (1989). 

The movie received a total of 9 Oscar nominations. It won Best Picture - Best Actress - Best Make-Up - Best Screenplay. 

At the time - Activists including black film director Spike Lee didn't like the movie. His film, "Do the Right Thing" was nominated the same year as Best Screenplay & Best Supporting Actor. They didn't like a black person being a "servant" to a white woman. Lee was very outspoken about it in several angry interviews to the media.

"Daisy" has spawned dozens of theater revivals since the film's release back in 1989. That includes Broadway.

Below is the High Definition re-mastered Trailer.

Below is a Black and white Publicity photo of "Daisy." The three main stars autographed this picture.

"Driving Miss Daisy" 1989.

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