Monday, December 29, 2014

Popularity of SERIAL PODCAST of 1999 murder brings out Key Witness & it isn't good.
(Adnan Syed Circa 1998-99)

Well, after 40 million podcast listeners downloaded 12 episodes of an investigative report on the 1999 murder of Hae Min Lee. A key witness who helped put Adnan in prison for life has come forward with an interview. And it isn't helping because Jay's story has changed multiple times since the murder, Including today's interview with the online "The Intercept."

Jay Wilds claims that Adnan Syed threatened to report him to the cops for his "weed" selling if he wouldn't help Adnan bury his ex-girlfriend Hae in Leakin Park. Earlier reports & the police timeline has Hae being strangled to death between 2:15 & 2:36 p.m. Her body was then buried in Leakin Park where Jay claims he helped dig Hae's grave. 

For the record, Jay & Adnan were barely friends who only smoked weed together once or twice. The day of the murder, Adnan let Jay borrow his car & brand new cell phone. Jay claimed at the time that he was rich from selling weed from his grandmother's basement. In the new interview, Jay says Adnan didn't bury Hae until 12 a.m. - that night - which contradicts the states case against Adnan from which he was found guilty.

Jay did not want to be interviewed by SERIAL & Sarah Keonig who reported over 12 episodes on Hae's murder. Now, because this story has ballooned into an internet frenzy. Jay wants his 15 minutes of fame, but to what extent? Even 15 years later, he has just perjured himself by creating new timeline of events. 

For the record, the prosecution got Jay a lawyer during Adnan's trial & they made a deal. Jay was an "Accessory after the fact of murder" by helping dig Hae's grave. He got 2 years probation with no time served for testifying against Adnan. 

JAY'S NEW INTERVIEW: Click on this hot link for Jay's new interview.

SERIAL PODCAST: Click on this hot link for the full 12 episodes on the murder of Hae Min Lee.

REDDIT: Click on this hot link to see everyone's reaction to Jay's new interview & the amateur sleuth's who want to solve this complicated murder.

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