Wednesday, December 31, 2014

SERIAL: Jay Wilds interview Part 3 & he shouldn't have spoken out
(Podcast Producers)

THE INTERCEPT: Part 3 of Jay Wilds interview about the 1999 murder case where he was a key witness in convicting Adnan Syed of killing his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee. Jay got a sweet deal after his "Accessory after the fact of murder." He got 2 year's probation with no jail time for testifying against Adnan who got life in prison. Jay said he helped Adnan dig the grave of Hae Min Lee. He saw her dead body in Adnan's trunk, but Jay has changed his story now about where he saw the body & which car trunk.

The 3rd interview with THE INTERCEPT served Jay no purpose, but to play the role of victim. He gives another time line on the murder from which he testified at two trials. Everyone wanted to hear from his girlfriend Stephanie from 1999. She was Adnan's friend & he let Jay use his car to buy Stephanie a birthday present on the day of the murder. 

Jay says in this last interview that Stephanie didn't believe Adnan killed Hae & he had to "lean on" her to convince her that Adnan did. He also said that he was never jealous of Stephanie & Adnan's friendship, plus he believed she never cheated on him. Stephanie will not talk about the murder case, because she introduced Adnan to Jay who bought weed from Jay, who was selling out of his grandmother's home. Jay & Adnan didn't know each other, but Adnan lent Jay his car & new cell phone during the 21 minutes when Hae was murdered.

Jay just should have kept his mouth shut because he obviously didn't want to be interviewed by a seasoned reporter Sarah Koenig for SERIAL. She still wants to interview him, but he goes to a novice journalist like Natasha who never asks the hard questions everybody wants to know. He plays the victim of the 40 million listeners of SERIAL, who claims that the podcast "demonized" him. But, he saw a dead body & helped bury a beautiful Korean girl who was only 18 years old.  How far from being a criminal do you want to be demonized?

THE INTERCEPT: Click on this hot link for jay's third & final interview.

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