Monday, November 2, 2015

"The Bugs Bunny Defense" is absurd but the first jury believed it was an accident

Linda Duffey called it an accident after shooting her husband to death with a revolver gun. He said, "No more Buwwets" just like Elmer Fudd says to Bugs Bunny in a cartoon. Linda then fans that revolver like a Western movie & kills her husband. 

The first trial had a Hung-Jury & believed Linda's story. The judge declared a mistrial. This was 7 years after she shot her husband. The second trial never introduced the cartoon defense. Linda was convicted of 2nd degree murder. It all came down to the revolver & that second gunshot. Patrick Duffey was raised with guns & he always emptied every gun before he went to bed. Linda practiced shooting revolvers with him & she knew how to shoot.

I agree with the gun ballistics expert. The first gunshot was an accident, but the second gunshot was Murder. Linda didn't use a single action revolver where you can fan it second after second. She used a double action revolver where you had to work the revolver which takes 1 minute to shoot the next bullet. What happened in that 1 minute? Accident or Murder? The second jury believed it was murder.

Click on photo for TV recap over at Examiner News.
(Linda explaining to police as Elmer Fudd "No more Buwwets).

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