Saturday, July 9, 2016

"Marco Polo" Ahmad uses Khan's throne to manipulate power

Marco Polo” can be seen streaming online over at “Netflix.” The sixth episode of season 2 is called, “Serpent's Terms.” It stars, Lorenzo Richelmy (Marco Polo), Benedict Wong (Kublai Khan), Joan Chen (Empress Chabi), Remy Hii (Prince Jingim) & Tom Wu (Hundred Eyes).

Serpent's Terms” opened with Ahmad welcoming Kaidu to Kublai Khan's home while he is away. Ahmad wants to help him further his ambitions. He uses Mei Lin's daughter to tempt Nayan who used to be a pedophile before he became a Christian. Ahmad wants to punish Mei Lin for being a whore to Kublai. He also wants Nayan to vote for Kaidu in the election as the next Khan. The real “blue princess” has returned. She wants her life back from Kokachin who is posing as the princess. The great Khan wants more power and meets with other territorial Chieftains. He doesn't know that his bastard son Ahmad is a master manipulator.

You can watch “Marco Polo” streaming online over at “Netflix.” Click photo.
(Ahmad uses Khan's power as a son to manipulate)

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