Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Movie producer, Harvey Weinstein and 'Sexual Harassment'

Harvey Weinstein was recently terminated by board members from, "The Weinstein Company." A New York Times article (Oct. 5, 2017) published a report of sexual harassment from Harvey that stretches back three decades. Film actresses have come forward with uncomfortable encounters with the entertainment producer. The Times article also reveals that Harvey had paid off several women to keep them quit. In quick succession, 1/3 of "The Weinstein Company" board members have resigned. His lawyer Lisa Bloom had also quit. 

"The New Yorker" published today (Oct. 10, 2017), a report of 13 actresses who were sexually harassed and/or assaulted by Harvey. This happened between the 1990's and 2015. Harvey's spokesman has responded by saying he cannot talk about anonymous accusations. He admits that some encounters were consensual.

Below is the police sting-operation against Harvey where he is recorded arguing with model, Ambra Battilana Gutierrez. He admits groping her in this audio. 

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