Saturday, October 28, 2017

'State of Play' 2003 is crackling, intense, political, murder mystery

STATE OF PLAY for the BBC. A 6-part TV mini-series (2003). It debuted to critical success garnering 5.4 million TV viewers overall. The drama/thriller averaged 5 million during all of its’ 6 episode run. There was supposed to be a sequel, but that never happened.

The popularity of the TV mini-series was developed into a major motion picture in 2009. It starred Helen Mirren, Russell Crowe and Ben Affleck. The production budget was $60 million. It grabbed $37,017,955 (million) at the U.S., box office. It nabbed $51,814,255 (million) at the Foreign box office. It sold $19,951,119 (million) with home rental DVD’s and BluRay.

State of Play” TV mini-series stars, John Simm (Cal McCaffrey), David Morrissey (Stephen Collins), Kelly Macdonald (Della Smith), Bill Nighy (Cameron Foster) & James McAvoy (Dan Foster). 

Stephen Collins is an ambitious Parliament politician who had tried to keep his affair with Sonya secret. That is until she fell in front of a subway train to her death. A young black male was also shot and killed at the same time. A witness to his murder was shot too, but had survived. Stephen’s good friend Cal is a newspaper journalist. He discovers that the black male was a purse snatcher. Sonya was carrying a silver briefcase into that subway. Cal gets a hold of that case which has incriminating evidence. Sonya was actually murdered…, 

(If you get a chance. Buy the DVD/BluRay of this wonderful murder/mystery. I’m glad I finally caught up with it). 

(BBC Logo)

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