Monday, March 21, 2016

BOSCH the final episode has Harry seeking the killer of his mom

BOSCH on AMAZON. (S2E10). This is based on the best selling novels by Michael Connelly. The final episode of this great 2nd TV season has Bosch finding out who murdered his mom back in 1979. The truth comes out & the injustice is maddening when that truth is covered up by the LAPD. It is bitter sweet because Bosch is the best police detective who protects & serves the citizens of L.A. Unfortunately, there wasn't anyone around to save his mother in the city he grew up in. 

Bosch & Jerry use their instinctive police hunches on a possible lead to find Carl Nash. When they do, Nash would rather die than go to prison. He tried to use Veronica Allen to get her late husband's $4 million. She used him too & neither got one penny. She is now charged with the murder of a local priest over $400,000 cash bonds. They were donated to the church by Anthony's mistress Lela. 

Irvin Irving accepted the job as interim Chief of Police. He did it in memory of his son George who was murdered by one of Nash's cop killers. Irvin also turned over the video of district attorney Richard O'Shea to the L.A. Times. He ordered the unchaining of a serial killer during a transport. Bosch was against the idea & a detective was shot. O'Shea covered up that incident to further his career.

(There is a lot going on in this episode other than what I wrote here. So, check it out over at Amazon Prime Video. Let's hope for a 3rd TV season). 

Click photo for BOSCH website.
(Harry Bosch)

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