Monday, August 1, 2016

An All New "American Gothic" Wednesday August 3, 2016

AMERICAN GOTHIC on CBS. (S01E07). The new episode is called, "The Gross Clinic" which will air at 10/9 p.m. 

In the last episode, Garrett Hawthorne was stabbed by Christina while on a camping trip. She found out he was a possible suspect as the "Silver Bells Killer" (SBK). Her father was the last victim of the SBK back in 2002. A police detective told the family that Mitchell Hawthorne's DNA matched from the belt wrapped around the last victim. Madeline doesn't believe her late husband was the killer. Remember, she cut off his oxygen after he had a massive stroke when the last body was found from the SBK. (Gee, a family of killers). Go below for TV Preview.

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