Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"Jason Bourne" has action, death, revenge and some redemption

JASON BOURNE from UNIVERSAL PICTURES. First of all, actor Riz Ahmed (Aaron Kalloor) appears in this film. I had to look harder to figure out who he was under that beard. Of course, he portrays "Naz" in the critically acclaimed HBO murder mystery "The Night Of."

Nicky Parsons brings back Jason Bourne after she hacked into a complex CIA computer system. He went off the grid and beats men down within underground fights. He cannot shake his past that involves the murder of his father. Nicky tells him that it goes deeper than just his dad because a new CIA program is being built. She is traced and becomes a target for death. Jason is pulled back into the watchful eye of the CIA and is forced to find out what really happened to his dad. 

(I won't give away any spoilers, but this has many non-stop action scenes. What I like about Jason Bourne is the way he turns the tables on his former bosses. They trained him, but he cannot be controlled because he's too smart. Even under cameras, audio and computer devices. The man can't be stopped. That scene inside the Las Vegas convention is classic Bourne. I actually applauded in the theater during that scene. Check out the movie if you can.). 

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