Monday, August 8, 2016

"Sunrise" A police detective chases down man who kidnaps girls

SUNRISE from BREAKING GLASS PICTURES - 2016. (I bought and downloaded movie from Amazon). It is reported that 100,000 girls in India disappear each year. A police detective named Joshi is still dealing with the disappearance of his only daughter Aruna. Him and his wife can't get over it because Aruna has never been found. Joshi day-dreams about finding her and tracking down her kidnapper. When he wakes up, he discovers that 5 girls have been killed and sliced up in the slums of Mumbai. He runs into an unknown man trying to kidnap a girl. The rain pounds his body as he chases a shadow through the streets. 

A lot of girls are kidnapped and trained to go into exotic dancing or prostitution. Joshi is on the edge of discovering a prostitution ring, but he keeps seeing his daughter among these young girls. He's blinded by obsession and loss. In his night dreams though, he keeps getting closer to the man who abducted Aruna. Yet, it's another matter when he wakes up to face the hard pounding loss he cannot shake. Can his dreams become a reality? Can he finally find some peace through murder, darkness and the rain that pours 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? (An excellent mystery. I watched it twice already).

Click poster for SUNRISE over at AMAZON.

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