Monday, October 3, 2016

'The Birth of a Nation' opens in U.S. Theaters Oct. 7, 2016

THE BIRTH OF A NATION from FOX SEARCH-LIGHT. Nate Parker spoke to Anderson Cooper for "60 Minutes" on Sunday night at 7/6 p.m. He makes no apology to a woman who accused him of raping her back in college. He went on trial, but was found innocent by a jury of his peers. That woman has since committed suicide (2012). That controversy has made news headlines in the summer of 2016. It comes on the heels of a film Nate wrote, directed and starred in which is "Nation." It won several major film festival awards and "Fox Search-Light" bought the distribution rights for a hefty $17 million.

Despite all of the press covering the former rape case. Nate hopes that people will see "Nation" for what it is as a slave rebellion based on a true story. THE BIRTH OF A NATION opens this Friday Oct. 7, 2016.

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