Thursday, July 6, 2017

'Endeavour' Contsable Morse investigates murder of unique artist

ENDEAVOUR on PBS Masterpiece. (S3E2). The second episode is called, “Arcadia.” The final TV ratings garnered 7.16 million TV viewers overall. This is the prequel to the popular “Inspector Morse” TV series. 

“Arcadia.” There is a male artist who works with buckets of paint. He splatters his canvas with bright colors. He is asleep in his bed and a bomb explodes killing him. A grocery store chain is owned by a man whose daughter is kidnapped for ransom. His store products have been tainted and a woman dies from it. Those who bought the same product are in danger too. Constable Morse is led to a retreat “commune” that promotes peace and love. Does the investigation come together in all the chaos?

(Note: I stopped guessing who the killer was because I keep getting it wrong.).

You can buy Season 3 of ENDEAVOUR from AMAZON.

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