Thursday, September 17, 2015

LONGMIRE episode HIGHWAY ROBBERY leads to Indian casino & murder

My TV recap is coming soon. I'm a happy camper because Ally Walker has joined the cast of LONGMIRE as a therapist. I knew Walt was going to ask her out & they both have chemistry. Ally is sexy as all-get-out. I liked Lizzie for Walt because she was funny. But that ship has sailed after season 2. Walt & Vic were attracted to each other & she tried to get closer in season 4's first episode. But...,

I have to admit, I don't like officer Mathias because he is always so angry. The racism on the reservation is evident which is getting tiresome. Cady goes to see Mathias & the secretary calls him & says, "there's a white girl to see you." Geez, give it a rest, but there are many natives like that in 2015. 

I like it that Henry & Walt's friendship is still intact because they understand each other. I laugh-out-loud when Henry always in-advertantly hits Walt physically. The TV writer's keep close to the novels & I love it!

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